1. Should the children be included in the restraining order?
The questions below refer to the Orders Requested for Immediate Court Approval
3. Notice
4. Court hearing request
Include "Other" provision?
5. Active duty military
Is the opposing party covered by the state or federal Service Members’ Civil Relief Acts?
Select the Relief Acts that apply:
6. Do not disturb
7. Stay away
Extend the request to not allow Elizabeth Maria Thompson to knowingly to go or stay within a certain distance of Andrew Williams Thompson's home, workplace, or school?
The parties currently:
8. Do not hurt or threaten
9. Surrender weapons
Who should the weapons be surrendered to?
25. Reasons for “Prohibit weapons and order surrender” request (check all that apply):
10. Care and safety of children until the hearing.
Order that the children live with:
11. Protect property
Who will the Protect Property order apply to?
12. Do not change insurance
13. Other immediate orders
15. Prohibit weapons and order surrender
NOTE: if you answered this question for paragraph 9 above, you do not have to answer it again!
16. Care and safety of children
Who should be appointed?
17. Provide support
Who should pay?
How much support will be requested per month?
18. Family home
What orders should be made re the family home:
19. Use of property
20. Household expenses
21. Divide Debts
Order the parties to:
22. Pay for insurance
23. Pay fees and costs
Request opposing party pay for:
Enter amount:
24. Other temporary orders