Washington Financial Declaration

Accessing the Financial Declaration Calculator.  You access the Financial Declaration calculator by selecting the case you want to work on and then clicking the Financial Declaration button on the case dashboard.  The Financial Declaration button will always appear.

Financial Declaration Calculator

Variations.  You can run different financial variations to show different scenarios.  The first variation you will create will automatically be named “Original v.1” unless you give it a different name.  To give it a different name, simply add (or update) the name in the "Save As:" text box and click save.  To create subsequent variations, enter a different name in the next box and check “Save as new variation”.  You can click back and forth between variations to see differences between them.  When you have your final variation, check "Use this variation in the Financial Declaration (FL 131)." This will make sure the data from this variation carries over to the Financial Declaration. 

Import Data.  You can import data from the Child Support Calculator if you filled that out first.  To do this, select the dropdown, choose the scenario you want to import, and click “Import”.  An asterisk will appear by the variation that you selected as your ‘final’ variation.

Taxes.  MyPleadings can estimate taxes based on tax tables back to and including 2018.  To estimate taxes, check the “Estimate taxes” button for either or both parties.  Select the tax filing status for each party as well as how many Child Tax Credits each party receives.

Income.  Enter the various forms of income for the parties.  You will see that "Total Gross Monthly Income" and "Total Deductions from Gross Income" update automatically; "Income Taxes" and "FICA" will automatically update if you have checked Estimate Taxes.  If you click the icon to the right of an income box you can add income amounts as hourly, weekly, monthly, etc. 

Maintenance Income.  By default, Maintenance is a non-taxable event.  MyPleadings allows you to make it a taxable event by checking "Maintenance income is taxable".  This can be useful if you are doing a modification and maintenance was taxable and deductible in the original decree.

Imputed Income.  You will see a different icon to the right of imputed income.  MyPleadings will autofill the applicable "Median Net Monthly Income" based on the age and gender of the applicable party.  There is a question bubble on the left side of the screen; if you hover over this you will see the current Net Income table. 

Deductions.  Income taxes and FICA will autofill if you have selected “Estimate taxes” or you can manually enter this information.  All other deductions must be manually entered.  The "Total Deductions from Gross Income" total automatically.

Maintenance Deduction.  Maintenance is non-deductible by default.  You can make maintenance tax deductible by checking "Maintenance paid tax deductible". 

Financial Declaration Document

You can access the Financial Declaration by clicking the “Financial Declaration” button at the upper right of the screen.  The data from your chosen variation will appear in the Financial Declaration document.  You can get back to the Financial Declaration Calculator by clicking the "Financial Declaration" button on the Financial Declaration (131) page.