Support & FAQ



The security of your data is our top priority.  Although no site can ever guarantee to be 'hack-proof', there are steps that can be taken to minimize the risk of unathorized access of your data.  Here are some of the security measures that we've implemented:

  • All data is transmitted securely via SSL certificate.  The 'https' in your browser window shows the connection is secure.
  • All data 'at rest' is encrypted using 256-bit encryption.
  • MyPleadings is hosted by a leading company in secure cloud-computing.  
  • We utilize both encrypted email service as well as secure document-share for transmission of sensitive information.
  • Each new location you login at must be 'authorized' by you before you can access your account from that location.
  • Two-factor authentication can be enabled on each account.

Additional measures not described herein have been implemented to help ensure the security and integrity of MyPleadings.


A full article on data security is beyond the scope of this website, but here are a few simple steps everyone can take which will substantially reduce your risk of having your data compromised:


  • All locally stored information, as well as information stored in the cloud, can and should be encrypted. 
  • Send all sensitive information via encrypted email.  Require that your clients do the same.
  • Never accept discovery via a thumbdrive.
  • Download and install software updates when they are available.  Companies use these updates to fix security risks that get discovered over time.
  • Install and use current, industry standard antivirus and firewall software.  We recommend paid versions of software, although there are plenty of free options available (and free antivirus and firewall software is better than no antivirus and firewall software).
  • Be suspicious of email.  If something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't.  Never open an attachment or click on a link unless you are certain it is legitimate.


Two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security to your account by sending you an SMS text message each time you login to your account.  You will be required to enter the six digit code in order to access your account if you have this option turned on. 


You can enable two-factor authentication by going to My Account and clicking Change next to Security/Recovery.




Next, add your recovery cell phone number and check Enable 2-Factor Login.  You need to use your cell phone so that it can receive text messages, not your office line.  Standard data and message rates may apply.